Did you miss me? Blogging every day is harder than it sounds. I'll try to be better at it for the rest of May, though. On Thursday I was at Target Field for several hours, hauling boxes of t-shirts and greeting folks who got free tickets for a Minnesota Idea Open event. I'm going to say the lifting/pushing of boxes counts as movement, particularly since I was wearing this awesome sweatband while doing it:
I'm not sure what conveys, "I mean serious business"
more: my expression in this photo or the headband.
Friday and Saturday didn't involve any particularly interesting movements to speak of. Sunday I got back into the swing of things with a little off-roading. There's a mysterious unpaved path that juts off from my normal walking route, and I decided to explore. I didn't know where it lead, but it ended up winding through beautiful forest area, up and down some hills. I think it actually led me close to @nerdofnoir's backyard before spitting me back out onto the main road. I didn't see a single soul on this alternative path, and found some good secluded spots for forest reading. I should see if Mr. Noir wants to do some forest reading with me sometime.
The Verdict: Secluded forests bring happiness, as do headbands. Maybe if I'm feeling especially awesome I'll have to combine the two someday.